Seminars 2019

Date Presenter Title
Sara Steinmann (UCH)
Cell-matrix signaling in tendons

Zexing Yan (UCH)

Tendon self-assembly cell sheet model

Dominique Muschter (Ortho)

Sensory neuropeptide deficiency affects structural changes of bone and cartilage in a murine OA model (SP4 ExCarBon)

Manuel Delgado (UCH)

Tenomodulin roles in tendon repair

Daniela Schulz (MKG)

Regulation of PDL-1 expression in radio-resistant and radio-sensitive HNSCC cell lines 

Girish Pattappa (UCH)

Hypoxia and Hydrostat / In vivo models for evaluating cartilage regeneration (SP7 ExCarBon)

Tanja Niedermair (Ortho)

Influence of peripheral nervous system on osteoporotic fracture healing

Heyong Yin (UCH)

Tendon tissue engineering: 3D gel models

Bianca Duffner (Med I)

G(alpha)s-to-G(alpha)i switch of G protein-coupled receptor signaling in rheumatoid arthritis

Theresia Stich (UCH)

Stem-cell functionalized biomaterials for improved osteointegration of implants (Mategra)

Sabine Stöckl (Ortho)

Role of Sox9 in chondrosarcoma
02.10.2019 Judith Kalhammer (Ortho)
The role of NK1R in murine Osteocytes under fluid flow shear stress
10.10.2019 Daniela Schulz (MKG) Regulation of PDL-1 expression in radio-resistant and radio-sensitive HNSCC cell lines
17.10.2019 Zexing Yan (UCH) Tendon self-assembly cell sheet model
24.10.2019 Jonas Eichberger (MKG) Influence of PDL-1 on cell matrix interaction
07.11.2019 Dominik Eder (Ortho) Influence of sensory neuropeptides SP and aCGRP on murine osteocytes
14.11.2019 Manuel Delgado Cáceres (UCH) Tenomodulin roles in tendon repair
21.11.2019 Christoph Lukas (Ortho) Impact of osteoblast-derived exosomes on mesenchymal stem cells
28.11.2019 Shushan Li (Ortho) Effects of hMSC exosomes on chondrocytes from osteoarthritic patients
05.12.2019 Bianca Dufner (Med I) G(alpha)s-to-G(alpha)i switch of G protein-coupled receptor signaling in rheumatoid arthritis
12.12.2019 Girish Pattappa (UCH) Excarbon: Hypoxia and Hydrostat / In vivo models for evaluating cartilage regeneration




Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Grässel

University Hospital Regensburg

Orthopedic Surgery, Div. Experimental Orthopedics

Biopark I - ZMB

Am Biopark 9

D-93053 Regensburg


Tel.: +49 (0) 941 943 5065

Fax: +49 (0) 941 943 5066
